ABCM is committed to providing you with a great experience!

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Impartiality Statement

This Statement of Impartiality by ABCM is intended to demonstrate our understanding of the importance of, and our commitment to, impartiality regarding the provision of certification services.

Impartiality statement

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  • ABCM shall act impartially in relation to its applicants, candidates, and certified persons.

  • ABCM policies and procedures for certification of persons shall be fair among all applicants, candidates, and certified persons.

  • ABCM’s certifications shall not be restricted to candidates on the grounds of undue financial or other limiting conditions, such as membership of an association or group.

  • ABCM shall not use procedures to unfairly impede or inhibit access by applicants and candidates.

  • ABCM shall be responsible for the impartiality of its certification activities and shall not allow commercial, financial, or other pressures to compromise impartiality.

  • ABCM shall identify threats to its impartiality on an ongoing basis: including those threats that arise from its activities, from its related bodies, from its relationships, or from the relationships of its personnel. (However, such relationships do not necessarily present a body with a threat to impartiality.)

  • ABCM shall analyze, document, and eliminate or minimize the potential conflict of interests arising from its certification activities.

  • ABCM shall document and be able to demonstrate how it eliminates, minimizes, or manages such threats. All potential sources of conflict of interest that are identified whether they arise from within ABCM, such as assigning responsibilities to personnel, or from the activities of other persons, bodies, or organizations, are covered.

  • ABCM certification activities shall be structured and managed to safeguard impartiality. This shall include balanced involvement of interested parties such as hospital departments and their supervisors. Impartiality shall be reviewed by each committee formed by ABCM at each committee meeting to ensure compliance with this declaration.

ABCM's Examination Candidate Agreement

All Exam Candidates must read this ABCM Examination Candidate Agreement and sign a statement in the initial application that they have read and agree to the stipulations set forth in this Agreement. One cannot take an Examination from ABCM without reading and agreeing to this document.

Examination Candidate Agreement

The ABCM’s Examination Candidate Agreement (ECA) is a legally binding contract between you and ABCM that sets forth the terms and conditions under which ABCM will permit you to take an ABCM certification examination. You must read, acknowledge, and accept the terms of this ECA before you are permitted to register for, schedule and take an ABCM examination.

To agree, scroll down to the Examination Candidate Agreement form below and fill out the form after reading through this entire Agreement.

If you do not agree to the terms of this ECA, you will not be permitted to register for or take any ABCM examination. Adherence to the ECA is necessary to enable ABCM to maintain fair examinations, ensure the validity of examination results and maintain the integrity and value of ABCM’s professional cardiology certifications.

In the Exam application you will also be asked to sign affirm to ABCM that all the below representations and statements to ABCM, are true and correct, and you are acknowledging that you have read and understand all these requirements, rules and policies, and that you agree to abide by all of them.

I affirm that I am the person whose name and address appears on my ABCM certification application, my registration for this, ABCM examination, and the government issued photo identification that I will present or have presented with my application. At the time, I created an account with ABCM, I read and accepted the certification terms of service, and I understand that my participation in ABCM’s certification programs, including the certification application process, is governed by the certification terms of service, as well as the terms contained in this ECA and the certification policies and procedures handbook, and I agree to abide by all of the policies, procedures, terms and conditions contained herein. I am taking this ABCM examination solely for the purpose of pursuing the ABCM certification for which I have applied, and for no other purpose. I affirm that I am not taking the ABCM examination on behalf of any other person. I affirmed that all information that I provided to ABCM at the time of my certification application and my registration for this examination and at any time thereafter are complete, accurate and completely true. And that, if any of the information that I previously provided to ABCM has changed since the time I provided it, I have submitted updated information that is complete, accurate and true, and reflects all such changes. I understand that providing false, misleading, or incomplete information to ABCM shall be considered a violation of the ECA and will be subject me to one or more of the consequences provided herein for violations of the ECA. I understand and agree that, as a condition of taking the ABCM’s examination in person at a test center, I am subject to security screening prior to admission and readmission to the building and or room where the ABCM examination is administered. I further understand and agree that the security screening process for in person testing at a test center may include requiring me to:

Demonstrate that my pockets are empty. Remove any backpack, bag, jacket, and/or non-corrective eye-wear, glasses, sunglasses, coat, hooded sweatshirt, scarf, or hat. These items are prohibited. Identify any item you are wearing or holding that can be exempted as a genuine religious prop. Lift my pants up to my knees and push my sleeves up to my elbows. Submit personal items for inspection by a test administrator. I understand and agree that I will not be permitted to take or resume taking an examination if I refuse to submit to security screening as described above or to remove the item(s) prohibited. Personal items, except for a genuine religious purpose prior to entering the room where the ABCM examination is administered, are at the sole discretion of test administrator. I further understand and agree that if I am taking a remote online proctored exam from my home office through ABCM's test administration vendor PROV Exams, I have the sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure that I have the required computer devices, computer operating system, software, browser, uninterrupted Internet connection and electrical power required to take the ABCM exam remotely. I understand that these requirements are explained on our website and that I am also responsible for taking note of them and being prepared. I am also responsible for creating a suitable testing environment, and successfully completing the PROV Exam systems check prior to taking the remote online proctored ABCM exam, which are also detailed on our website. I understand that ABCM is not responsible for any technical problems that my computer devices, or operating system, software, browser, internet connection, or electrical power may interrupt, delay, or interfere with my ability to start, take, or complete a remote online proctored ABCM exam. If I experience a technical problem in any of these areas, during the administration of a remote online proctored ABCM exam, I understand that I must notify the remote Proctor at PROV Exams immediately and follow the proctors’ instructions. I further understand and agree that ABCM, it's authorized and trusted test centers and the test administration vendor (PROV Exams) and acting on behalf of ABCM will take and use still digital photographs of me, video and audio recordings of me, and collect and use other personally identifiable information from me and about me for the purpose of monitoring, administrative, proctoring and or providing technical support of ABCM examination administrators, all of which will be retained and possessed as part of my ABCM examination administration records. For remote online proctored ABCM exams, ABCM authorized and trust to test administration vendors (PROV Exams), test administrators, and proctors, acting on behalf of ABCM, will monitor live video and audio feeds of me and the physical location where I am testing. For example, the room in my home or office where I will test, all of which will be recorded, processed, and retained as part of my ABCM examination administered records. I understand and agree that I am taking a remote online proctored exam from my home office, and I am obligated to take and submit digital photographs of my testing environment, my government issued valid photo identification and my face. I have carefully reviewed additional details and requirements about ABCM’s remote online exam administration process and procedures at ABCM’s website. I understand that I can obtain additional information concerning the collection, transmission, processing, and retention of my personal data including, without limitation, photographs and video and audio recordings by reading ABCM’s privacy policy. I understand and agree that the following conduct, whether attempted or completed, is strictly prohibited: Copying, capturing, recording, collecting, reconstructing, memorizing, discussing, soliciting, transmitting, broadcasting, streaming, or distributing ABCM examination content to anyone. Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance on an ABCM exam. Viewing the content of another candidate's computer display or exam papers during an ABCM exam. Possessing or accessing prohibited personal items while inside a room where an ABCM’s exam is being administered. Taking an ABCM examination on behalf of another person. Possessing, accessing, or using a cellular phone or any device that connects to a cellular network or the internet while inside a room where an ABCM examination is being administered, or in any location during unscheduled examination breaks, other than the computer on which you are taking the examination. Possessing, accessing, or using any electronic device, camera, recording device, or photographic equipment of any kind while inside a room where an ABCM examination is being administered. Possessing, accessing, or using any books, notes, paper, note-taking materials, study materials, or test taking aids of any kind while inside a room where an ABCM exam is being administered, or in any location during unscheduled exam breaks, speaking out loud to yourself or any other person during a remote online proctored exam administered at your home or home office. Intentionally positioning yourself so that you are not visible or only partially visible to the webcam on your computer during a remote online proctored exam administered at your Home Office. Failing or refusing to submit to security screening or the inspection of personal items upon request by a test administrator or any time prior to or during an ABCM examination. Failing to or refusing to strictly comply with the instructions and request of a test administrator at any time prior to or during the ABCM exam administration. Engaging in disruptive, threatening, abusive or disrespectful behavior in or near any building where an ABCM exam is being administered. For remote online, proctored ABCM exams, obstructing the visibility of yourself or your surroundings from the webcam, or moving out of the view of the webcam. Talking or communicating with anyone other than a test proctor, or other approved test reader (if requested and approved in advance) while inside a room where an ABCM exam is being administered.

I understand and agree that engaging in any of the above-described prohibited conduct shall be considered a violation of the CEA. I agree to follow the instructions and request of all test administrators and proctors and understand that my failure or refusal to follow instructions or comply with request from a test administrator or proctor shall be considered a violation of the CEA. I am aware that ABCM examinations are considered confidential, and that their contents are disclosed to me at the time of test administration in a limited context to permit me to test in pursuit of the ABCM certification for which I have applied, and for no other purpose. I understand that ABCM’s examinations, questions, reading passages, answer choices, graphic images, and all related examination content contained within ABCM exams are protected by the United States and International copyright laws, and that ABCM examination content is a trade secret under the United States and International law. I agree that I will not discuss or disclose ABCM examination content orally, in writing, or on the internet, or through any other medium existing today or invented in the future. I agree that I will not copy, reproduce, adapt, disclose, or transmit ABCM’s examination content, in whole or in part, or assist or solicit anyone else in doing the same. I further agree that I will not reconstruct ABCM examination content from memory, by dictation, or by any other means, for any purpose. I understand that prohibited acts under these terms include but are not limited to describing questions, answer choices, hypothetical scenarios, reading passages, images or graphics from any ABCM examination; identifying terms or concepts contained in exam questions or responses; sharing answers to questions; referring others to information I saw on the exam; reconstructing a list of topics on the exam; soliciting or discussing exam questions, answer choices, reading passages, images, graphics, or topics in person, through telephonic or electronic communication, or on internet chat rooms, social media, private or public groups, message boards, forums, or through any other means of communication. I understand and agree that I am also not permitted to possess, solicit, read, study from, study or otherwise use confidential information about ABCM exams during my own exam preparation. I affirm that I have not engaged in such conduct prior to taking this ABCM exam and that I will not engage in such conduct during or after the exam. I also agree not to ask for other individuals to disclose exam content to me or to seek out actual live, confidential exam content from any other source. I agree that if I received or have access to information or materials in any form and from any source, including but not limited to e-mail, instant messages, text messages, website content, social media post, electronic bulletin boards, internet based groups, digital or electronic files, and/or paper documents that I personally believe contains confidential ABCM exam content, or has been represented to contain ABCM exam content, I will immediately report its existence to ABCM. I agree that I will fully cooperate with an investigation by ABCM related to my receipt or access to information believed or represented to contain ABCM exam content. I understand and agree that ABCM reserves the right to use statistical and psychometric analyses to evaluate the validity of examination response data and sources. I understand and agree that ABCM utilizes these reliable scientific methods to determine whether scores should be withheld, invalidated, canceled, or investigated further to determine whether a candidate violated the terms of the CEA.  I further understand and agree that, if ABCM has a reasonable basis to question examination response data or examination results, weather identified through the use of statistical analysis, psychometric analysis or any other reliable method or source of information, ABCM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold, cancel and invalidate examination scores, without any requirement to demonstrate that I or any other candidate violated the terms of the candidate agreement. I agree that if ABCM invalidates my examination score, I will not be entitled to a refund for the examination, and I will be required to pay the established fee to take the examination again if I am permitted by ABCM to take the exam again. I understand and agree that ABCM reserves the right to, but is not obligated to, investigate any alleged violation of this CEA or any alleged activity or circumstances that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of an ABCM examination, or the results thereof. Upon receiving notice from ABCM that it is investigating an alleged violation related to the examination, I understand and agree that I am required to:

Fully cooperate with the investigation. Disclosed to ABCM all knowledge that could potentially relate to the investigation. Produce all documents, data and materials requested by ABCM. Upon request, submit to an in person or remote interview, in ABCM’s sole discretion, conducted by or on behalf of ABCM. Truthfully and completely answer all questions asked by ABCM.

I also understand and agree that if I provide false or misleading information to ABCM at any time, violate the terms of this CEA, refuse to comply with any directions given to me by a test administrator, engage in any activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any ABCM examination, or fail to fully cooperate in any investigation related to ABCM’s examinations, that ABCM may, in its sole discretion, directly or through its authorized representatives:

Interrupt, suspend and or terminate the administration of my ABCM examination. Confiscate any items from me during an ABCM examination administration that a test administrator reasonably be believes is relevant to a potential violation of this CEA, including, but not limited to, notes, electronic devices, and prohibited personal items. Withhold, cancel, or invalidate my examination scores, before or after the scores are reported, without a refund. Prohibit or disqualify me from taking ABCM examinations for a fixed period or permanently. Impose special conditions on taking future ABCM examinations. If I previously passed an ABCM certification exam and obtained any ABCM certification, suspend or revoke any or all my ABCM certifications for a fixed period or indefinitely. ABCM may pursue a civil lawsuit against me based upon my conduct in violation of the CEA and or refer the matter for criminal prosecution by state and/or federal authorities or any government agency with jurisdiction.

I will not represent myself as certified by ABCM unless and until I received an official written communication from ABCM advising me that ABCM has determined that I have met all requirements of certification and that ABCM has granted me a certification for which I have applied.

By signing, I am representing to ABCM that all the prior information, statements, and affirmations that I have provided to ABCM are true and correct, including but not limited to all of my affirmations contained in this CEA. I am further confirming my agreement to all the terms and conditions set forth in this CEA, including, without limitation, the consequences for making false or misleading statements to ABCM, and for violating any terms of this candidate agreement.

If there is any part of this candidate agreement that you do not understand or agree with, you are not permitted to register for or take any ABCM examinations.

PROV Exams Online and at Testing Centers

PROV Exams provides ABCM with remote proctoring services for our online examinations as well as they can set up appointments at designated testing centers approved by PROV Exams. I understand that I will be taking the exam online whether from my home or at a designated testing center and that I will pay an extra fee to take my certification examination at a designated testing center. I further understand that I will be taking the exam online whether I am taking it from my home or a designated testing center. I take full responsibility to pre-pay ABCM for taking my examination at a designated testing center.

ABCM Code of Ethics

The ABCM’s Code of Ethics, has been adopted to advance and uphold the highest standards of service and conduct recognized by all certified persons using any of the following credentials: Advanced ECG-BC, 12 Lead ECG-BC, Basic ECG-BC or CMT-BC, CVNP-BC, CVPA-BC, or CVRN-BC.

Holding an ABCM certification obligates the user to comply with the mandates and requirements of all applicable laws and regulations of the certification body. All certified people are required to act in an ethical and professional manner by adhering to these standards and ensuring public confidence in the integrity of their profession.

Professional Responsibility

As an ABCM certified person, you accept professional responsibility for both your individual decisions and actions. As an advocate for the Cardiology profession, you should engage in educational activities that enhance the knowledge and perceived value of the organization.

Professional Development

As an ABCM certified person, you must meet the highest standards of competence and commit to strengthen your competencies.

Certified persons must commit to continuous learning, skills development, and applications of new knowledge related to both cardiology management and the success of the organizations you serve. ABCM requires proof of continuing education relevant to the certification held every three years to maintain the certification obtained.

ABCM Complaints and Disciplinary Policy

I will agree to this statement in the ABCM's Examination Candidate Agreement form for initial application below.

I have read, understand, accept, and agree with the terms and conditions of this Candidate Agreement. By agreeing that I have read and agree to this document in my application form, that it is as good as applying my written or electronic signature to this Candidate Agreement itself. I am agreeing to the certification terms of service, the full candidate agreement, code of ethical and professional responsibility, and ABCM’s certification policies and procedures in this Certification Handbook.


Examination Confidentiality Statement

All Exam Candidates must read and agree to this Examination Confidentiality Statement when filling out the initial Exam application.

Confidentiality Agreement

I will not disclose any content of the ABCM examination to any third party for any reason whatsoever. This shall include, but is not limited to, publication or disclosure of examination content with the intent of assisting others in preparation for their own examinations.

I shall not disclose any information about the ABCM examination or examination process that may give unfair advantage to others seeking ABCM certification.

I agree to abide by the above requirement and understand that I may be subject to action by ABCM if I violate this statement, including denial or withdrawal of ABCM certification.

Special Testing Accommodations Request

For pencil-and-paper exams, candidates should initiate a request for reasonable accommodation with their registration at least fifteen (30) days prior to the scheduled exam date.

For computer-based exams, candidates should register for and initiate a request for reasonable accommodation at least thirty (30) days before the desired examination date.

Requests for accommodations on ABCM exams are reviewed by qualified professionals who possess at least an MD, NP, PA, or RN degree in a field related to the diagnosis, treatment, and/or accommodation of disabilities and have experience evaluating requests for testing accommodations.

ABCM strives to make decisions on applications for accommodation within ten (10) business days of receiving the request along with all requested necessary supporting documentation. ABCM will notify candidates with one of three answers:

Application approved in full, Application denied in full, Application denied in part.

If a candidate is not approved in full for the requested testing accommodation(s), the candidate will receive both a written and email notification that explains the decision.

If the denial is due to insufficient documentation, the notice will identify the required information that was not provided and additional documentation that might result in approval of a request.

Within seven (7) days of receiving a written notification of a full or partial denial, the candidate may submit an appeal of the denied portion of the request (with or without additional documentation) for review by an independent, outside reviewer. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of such an appeal (barring unusual circumstances), ABCM will notify the candidate whether the appealed accommodation request is approved in full, denied in full, or denied in part. If a candidate’s appealed accommodation request is not approved in full, the written and email notification of denial will explain the basis for the denial.

Any appeal will consider only the requested accommodation(s) that were denied. An appeal will have no effect on any accommodation that ABCM has already approved for a candidate for a particular exam. Independent, outside reviewers shall be qualified professionals such as. licensed physicians, psychologists, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or otherwise properly credentialed, and possess expertise in the disability for which modifications or accommodations are sought.

ABCM encourages all examinees who request accommodation to do so as far as possible in advance of their desired test date, but no less than forty-five (30) days before the desired test date.

This allows ABCM time to communicate with a candidate if any documentation is missing or questions arise about a request and gives the candidate time to obtain and provide any missing documentation. It also increases the likelihood that a candidate will have an opportunity to appeal the denial of any requested accommodation and get a decision on that appeal in advance of the desired test date.

Once a decision has been reached regarding a request for accommodations, notification will be sent both by email and letter in the mail describing any accommodations ABCM approved of and any instructions needed to access specific accommodations for live pencil-and-paper exam sites, or online.

Special Testing Accommodations Request

Please read the following carefully before filling out the application for Special Accommodations below.

Requirements: identify your special needs below and in your initial application, or in your recertification application.

Exam Candidates who would like to request accommodations based on a physical or mental impairment should do so during the exam application process. When you apply to take an Exam, please identify your special needs and then complete the following information form and provide appropriate documentation for your request in the application when prompted.

Your supporting documentation from your Healthcare Provider should confirm your impairment(s), discuss the functional limitations that you experience as a result of your impairment(s), and explain why you need the accommodations that you have requested.

Your request form and supporting documentation must be submitted to ABCM at the time of your Exam application.

Your provider can fill out the form online on this site under ABCM Healthcare Provider Form for persons with disabilities, print it out and sign and date. You can then scan the document and upload it in your request below.

Reasonable accommodations are available for examinees who meet certain eligibility criteria and sufficiently document their request. Exam Candidates who have a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, or a scheduling conflict due to a religious Sabbath or a military appointment may request reasonable accommodations. You must indicate any need for accommodations during the application process.

ADA exam Accommodations Available at ABCM:

The American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine (ABCM) is committed to ensuring that candidates with disabilities can take an exam in an accessible place and manner, which often requires reasonable testing accommodations.

​Accommodations may consist of changes in the physical testing environment, additional testing time, additional break time, the provision of auxiliary aids or services, testing without a face mask, or other changes in the standard test administration. To receive such accommodations, a candidate must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits his or her ability to perform one or more major life activities (such as walking, seeing, hearing, learning, reading, concentrating, or thinking) or a major bodily function (such as neurological, endocrine, or digestive system) that impacts taking an examination, as compared with most people in the general population. ABCM encourages candidates with disabilities to request accommodations.

As a part of the application process, exam candidates will have the opportunity to indicate their needs for ADA exam accommodations by filling out the form below and submitting it along with the requested supporting documents of the disability.

​After the application is completed, and the form below received, exam candidates will receive an email with acknowledging request for accommodations and will respond with information, direction, and a decision as to whether ABCM can reasonably fulfill the request.

Email questions related to the accommodations process to ABCM at [email protected].

For computer-based exams, candidates should register for and initiate a request for reasonable accommodations at least thirty (30) days before the desired examination date. Documentation that establishes the nature of a disability as well as its impact in the testing environment is needed to support requested accommodations.

ABCM follows general documentation guidelines that outline the information necessary to establish that a candidate has an impairment that requires testing accommodations, as well as documentation guidelines that apply with respect to specific categories of impairments:

1. Documentation of Physical Disabilities

2. Documentation of Learning Disability

3. Documentation of Psychological Disabilities

4. Documentation of ADHD

If denied approval of your application for special accommodations, you may appeal the denial of any requested accommodation by filling out the Appeal for Special Needs Form.

Examination Eligibility Extension

Per the American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine's procedure Management of Examinations, candidates are afforded the right to request an extension for their eligibility to sit for an ABCM certification examination. The candidate must not have already set up their exam date with the proctor and must make this request at least 10 days before the end of the of the 180-day time eligibility.

Examination Eligibility Extension Request

If approved, the ABCM will extend the time another 30 days.


Any certified person or person applying to become certified has a right to file an a complaint and/or appeal for valid complaints.

File a complaint

Complaints Form

Request for appeal

Any certified person or person applying to become certified has a right to file an a complaint and/or appeal for valid complaints.

Fill out and submit the complaints form below.

Request for Appeal Form

Appeal Form

Name Change Request

Have you changed your name after being certified? No worries, fill out the name change form online below and be prepared to download a copy of your legal name change document such as a driver's license, etc.

New Certificates are available with the new name change for a small fee.

Name change request Form

Name Change Form

ABCM's Dedication to Quality Service

The American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine (ABCM) is committed to providing industry personnel certification services that are trusted, impartial, professional, and highly principled. ABCM offers services which comply with or exceed all applicable requirements, including international accreditation standards.

Quality Policy

With these principles in mind, ABCM aims to ensure customer satisfaction, while using our management system to pursue continual improvement of our services, our processes and the company overall.

Rules for use of ABCM Credentials

To use any credential awarded by ABCM, the candidate must have successfully completed and passed their examination.

Rules for use of abcm credentials

To continue to use any credential awarded by ABCM after the 3-year renewal period, the candidate must have paid the renewal fee, obtained the appropriate number of CEs required for their specific certification and uploaded them into their recertification application along with a copy of their valid state ID for verification four weeks prior to the end of their 3-year renewal period. Failure to submit a recertification application early (four weeks) will most likely result in expiration of the credential and then the candidate will not be allowed to use the credential for any reason until recertification has been completed and notification sent out to the candidate.

The following credentials are given out by ABCM to successful candidates and may be used for professional advancement if they are valid:

Basic ECG Reading = ECG-BC12-Lead ECG Reading = ECG-BC, Advanced ECG Reading = ECG-BC, Cardiovascular Nursing = CVNP-BC Level I, Cardiovascular Nursing = CVNP-BC Level II, Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioners = CVNP-BC or Cardiovascular Physician Assistants = CVPA-BC

Sample Use of a Credentials:

James Swinley, MD, AECG-BC James Swinley, BS, ECG Tech - 12LECG-BC James Swinley, CMT – ECG-BC Candice Owens, BSN - CVRN-BC Level ICandice Owens, MSN - CVRN-BC Level II Donna Stevens, ACNP, MSN, CVNP-BC Donna Stevens, MS - CVPA-BC

If you are uncertain as to how to use your credential, reach out to ABCM for assistance at [email protected].

Validate a cardiac Professional credential

Credential validation is quick and easy.

Rules for Validation of abcm credentials

To continue to use any credential awarded by ABCM after the 3-year renewal period, the candidate must have paid the renewal fee, obtained the appropriate number of CEs required for their specific certification and uploaded them into their recertification application along with a copy of their valid state ID for verification four weeks prior to the end of their 3-year renewal period. Failure to submit a recertification application early (four weeks) will most likely result in expiration of the credential and then the candidate will not be allowed to use the credential for any reason until recertification has been completed and notification sent out to the candidate.

The following credentials are given out by ABCM to successful candidates and may be used for professional advancement if they are valid:

Basic ECG Reading = ECG-BC12-Lead ECG Reading = ECG-BC, Advanced ECG Reading = ECG-BC, Cardiovascular Nursing = CVNP-BC Level I, Cardiovascular Nursing = CVNP-BC Level II, Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioners = CVNP-BC or Cardiovascular Physician Assistants = CVPA-BC

Sample Use of a Credentials:

James Swinley, MD, AECG-BC James Swinley, BS, ECG Tech - 12LECG-BC James Swinley, CMT – ECG-BC Candice Owens, BSN - CVRN-BC Level ICandice Owens, MSN - CVRN-BC Level II Donna Stevens, ACNP, MSN, CVNP-BC Donna Stevens, MS - CVPA-BC

If you are uncertain as to how to use your credential, reach out to ABCM for assistance at [email protected].

Certification Scheme Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to confirm that my application was received?

You will receive a link in eMail for the exam after your application has been reviewed. You will be notified if the the application is incomplete or if we need more information.

What kind of CE subjects are acceptable and to whom I should send them?

We only accept cardiology CDs for a cardiac recertification. Any company that has a state board of nursing provider number on the certificate is acceptable. We also accept CEU's approved by the ANCC Provided the topics are cardiology related.

What is a passing score?

You need a score of 70%

How often do I have to recertify?

You are required to recertify every 3 years.

What if I don't pass the exam, can I retake it?

Yes, you may retake the exam at a significantly reduced rate. If you do not pass the exam after the 2nd try, you will have to wait 30 days before taking it a 3rd time and the 3rd try is at original price.

Do you offer LIVE exams?

Yes, we post Live Events on this site Here is a link to our Live Events Schedule: